¿Buscas compañera, viajera mundial?
by M.T. "the Big Tipper" Martone
Dám si mineralku. daam si MI-ne-raal-ku. I'll take a mineral water. ail teik e Ml-ne-rel WA-t/r.
Oi. Como vai? oî. KO-mu vaî?
Hi. How's it going? haî. haûz it GOU-ing?
Adoro il tuo tatouage. a-DO-ro il TU-o ta-TUAD-dzho.
I love your tattoo. aî lev y/r ta-TU.
Quantos anos você me dá? KUAN-tus A-nus vo-SE mi da?
How old do you think I am? haû oûld du you think aî em?
Tu aimes les filles? tü em le fi? Are you into girls? ar yu IN-tu g/rls?
Puedo hacer lo que quieras. PUE-dho a-THER lo ke KIE-ras.
I can be whatever you want. wa-TE-v/r yu want.
aî ken bi
Posso ir para casa com você? PO-su ihh PA-re KA-ze kon vo-SE?
Can I come home with you? ken aî kem hoûm widh yu?
Baciami. BA-tsha-mi. Kiss me. kis mi.
Zieh dich uas. tsii dish aûs.
Take your clothes off. teîk y/r kloûz af.
Tu mouilles. tü MUI-ye. You're so wet. y/r soû wet.
Profumi di buono. pro-FU-mi di BUO-no. You smell so good, yu smel soû gud. Jemnejc... jo, tam! YEM-niê-its ... yo, tam!
Ti voglio. Girati... DZHI-ra-ti...
I want you. Turn over... OU-v/r...
ti VO-lyo.
aî want yu. t/rn
You have got to get one of these books: Hot International Lesbian: (or Gay:) Love and Sex in Seven Languages, BabelCom, Inc., 1996. If you aren't headed out on a tour of the Continent, you can read the English translations out loud and pretend you're Dutch.
Yet another note: There is currently a call for submissions on for a big book on dykes and their spirituality. When the editors talked to me about it, I expressed my general crustiness toward organized religion and a great deal of “alt.spirituality," at which I was assured that it is going to include a very broad range of experiences. One woman is submitting her macaroni and cheese recipe. For details, contact Max Airborne and Elana Escalara, 2215-R Market St. #193, San Francisco, Calif 94114, or
By the way, this column's headline is in Spanish: "Are you looking for a companion, world traveler?"
Send your burning questions on life and love to M.T. Martone, care of the Chronicle, P.O. Box 5426, Cleveland 44101, or fax to 216-631-1052, or e-mail to
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Not so hard... right there! nat soû hard... raît DHE-/r!
Más ráda robertky? maash_RAA-da RO-bert-ki?
Auto Life
Do you like dildos? du yu laîk DIL-doûz?
Ich habe das noch nie gemacht, aber ich kann es ausprobieren. ish HAA-be das nohh nii ge-MAHHT, A-ber ish kan es AUS-pro-BII-ren.
I've never done that, but I'll try it. aîv NE-v/r den dhet, bet aîl traî it.
For all your insurance needs!
Quieres mas? KIE-res mas?
You want more? yu want m/r?
Mais fundo... mais forte! maîs FUN-du... maîs FOHH-tshi! Deeper... harder! DII-p/r... hard/r!
Estás buenísima! es-TAS buê-NI-si-ma! You're so hot! y/r soû haat!
Attention les ongles! a-ten-SION lez ON-gle!
Watch your nails! watsh y/r neîlz!
No tengas miedo. no TEN-gas MIE-dho. Don't be scared. doûnt bi skeered.
Du bist so eng! du bist zoo eng! You're so tight! y/r soû taît!
Dimmi quando stai per venire. DIM-mi KUAN-do stai per ve-NI-re.
Tell me when you're going to come. tel mi wen y/r GOU-ing tu kem.
Estou quase gozando! is-TOU KUA-zi go-ZAN-du!
I'm getting close! aîm GE-ting kloûs!
Ich komme! ish KO-me!
I'm coming! aim KE-ming!
Musím do koupelny. KOU-pel-ni.
MU-siim do
I have to go to the bathroom. ai hev tu goù tu dhe BEETH-rum.
Eres fabulosa en la cama. E-res fa-bu-LO-sa en la KA-ma.
You're fantastic in bed. y/r fan-TES-tik in bed.
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